Daily Quote – November 7, 2024
The physical you and the Nonphysical you are always converging—to the extent that you allow it. This convergence benefits the Nonphysical part of you, and it benefits the physical you. But sometimes you deprive yourself of the benefit of a full convergence. Your Nonphysical Inner Being is intertwining with 100% of your physical life experience, and so, there is never a time that we are not all co-creating. We just think it is a wonderful thing when you deliberately allow the conscious realization of the broader Nonphysical part of you. Excerpted from Phoenix, AZ on 2/1/14

Awareness/Of my Soul is mine (to embrace).

You Call me/ 24/7!

I allow/My Soul to prevail.

My Soul Calls/To me constantly.

We are Loved/Uncondition’ly.

Daily Quote – October 28, 2024
We encourage you to make peace with everyone who opposes you and with everyone whom you oppose, not only because you cannot insist on their yielding to your perspective but because their opposing perspective is of tremendous benefit to you.

You see, because of your exposure to what you perceive as their wrong or bad or unwanted behavior or perspective—you have given birth to an improved situation. And just as they helped the problem side of the equation to come into focus, they helped the solution side of the equation to come into focus, also; and that solution waits for you in your Vortex of Creation.

Through our daily meditation process, you will come into alignment with those solutions and creations that are in your Vortex, and from inside your Vortex, you will feel appreciation for everyone who contributed to its becoming.

When you make peace with those who differ in desire and belief and behavior from your ideas of what is appropriate, you do not perpetuate what you consider to be wrong. Instead, you align with the solution side of the equation that has been waiting for you in your Vortex of Creation. Excerpted from Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditations and User Guide

Resistance/Prolongs the problem.

Thank “the foe”/For your clarity.

Rep. v Dem…/Temptation to push!

Making peace/Does not invite more (of what you don’t want…it just feels that way!)

Making Peace/Begets alignment.

Alignment/Quantum leaps “the fight”.

Solutions/Arise out of strife.

The idea of “success,” for most people, revolves around money or the acquisition of property or other possessions, but we consider a state of joy as the greatest achievement of success. And while the attainment of money and wonderful possessions certainly can enhance your state of joy, the achievement of a good-feeling physical body is by far the greatest factor for maintaining a continuing state of joy and Well-being. And so, there are few things of greater value than the achievement of a good-feeling body. Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction

Find “success”/In sweet states of Joy!

Daily Quote – October 25, 2024
You cannot really disconnect yourself from the passionate, desirous being that you are. It was with enormous clarity that you came forth into this body, and that’s why when you try to hold your desire down, it keeps coming up … Your cork will always float unless you are holding it down. Excerpted from Silver Spring, MD on 4/19/97

Desire wells/Constantly inside us!

We arrived/With great intention!

Passion can/Wain when life gets harsh!

Healing comes/With new Perspective.

Inside us/Dwells Intelligence.

Healing comes/When we get aligned.

Know Source as/Our Identity.

Daily Quote – October 24, 2024
You say, “May I have …” or, “I would really like to have …” or, “What I really want is …” and you can name anything under the sun that you can conjure, and the Universe calmly says, “Here it is,” because it is known by All-That-Is that anything that you desire—can be. So, “Yes, here it is.”

“Here it is!”/Says the Universe.

Ask for it/And so it shall be.

The Vortex/Holds all I desire.

Question is:/How do I get in?

I turn to/That which thrills my heart.

There I find/Instant Happiness!

Daily Quote: Sept 8, 2024 I’m going to be happy. I’m going to skip. I’m going to be glad. I’m going to smile a lot. I’m going to be easy. I’m going to count my blessings. I’m going to look for reasons to feel good. I’m going to dig up positive things from the past. I’m going to look for positive things where I stand. I’m going to look for positive things in the future. It is my natural state to be a happy person. It’s natural for me to love and to laugh. This is what is most natural for me. I am a happy person!

Happiness/Is me at my best!

Happiness/Is most natural.

Being glad/Is most natural.

“Easy and Flow”/Just breathe and relax!

Find just one/Thing to focus on.

Find just one/Thing that makes you smile.

The idea of “success,” for most people, revolves around money or the acquisition of property or other possessions, but we consider a state of joy as the greatest achievement of success. And while the attainment of money and wonderful possessions certainly can enhance your state of joy, the achievement of a good-feeling physical body is by far the greatest factor for maintaining a continuing state of joy and Well-being. And so, there are few things of greater value than the achievement of a good-feeling body.

Focus on/That which feels good. (in your body!)

Play the game: Naming body parts. (Alphabetically!)

Arms and Brain/C and Dermis.

Eyes and feet/

From Money and the Law of Attraction Abraham-Hicks

Daily Quote – June 16, 2024
When you allow a full alignment with the Source within you, unpleasant things that may be happening around you will not matter. Instead of being influenced by the unwanted things that are happening, you will be influenced by your alignment with Source and with Well-being.

Daily Quote – June 10, 2024
We come forth not to alter your beliefs, but to reacquaint you with the Eternal Laws of the Universe so that you may intentionally be the creator that you have come forth to be, for there is not another who attracts into your experience that which you are getting—you are doing it all.

We come forth not to get you to believe anything, for there is not that which you believe that we do not want you to believe. And as we are viewing this wondrous physical Earth plane, we see great diversity in that which you believe—and in all of that diversity, there is perfect balance.

Excerpted from The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham

Balance lies/In diversity.

I create/My experience.

My beliefs/Filter what I “see”.

We each view/From our perspective!

I’m unique!/Just like each of us!

Daily Quote, June 7, 2024 Everything that I think that I need to do is all only in order to propel me to some place that when I get there, I think I will be happier. So, everything that I am doing, no matter what it is, all of my lists of rights and wrongs…are all about me getting to a manifestation that I believe I will then be happier… So, why don’t I take a short cut and just go get happy? Excerpted from Washington, DC on 5/1/04

All I do/’Sfor my happiness!

So why not/Just go straight to bliss?

Happiness/Lies inside Be-ing!

Breathe into/Inner states of Bliss!

Evoke Bliss/Just by sa’ing the word!

Own your Bliss/In your very breath.

Daily Quote – June 4, 2024
You will always, almost always, most of you, choose negative emotion over no emotion. Because emotion indicates desire. It’s exciting! Excerpted from Silver Springs, MD on 4/11/99

Emotions/Indicate desire!

Negative/Feelings beat a void!

Emotions/Arise from desires!

Daily Quote – May 26, 2024
If your desire is strong enough, it doesn’t matter what your beliefs are. If you have a desire that is strong enough, that desire will be the dominant vibration, and it will over-ride any other vibration that you have. Excerpted from Atlanta, GA on 9/13/97

Passion rocks!/Cultivate your heart!

Our heart’s Strength/Over-rides our thoughts.

(Still, it helps/To match heart and mind.)…!

Tune in to/What excites you most.

Daily Quote – May 24, 2024
The Universe does not know whether the vibration that you’re offering is because of something you’re observing or something you’re remembering or something that you are imagining. It just receives the vibration and answers it with things that match it. Excerpted from Napa, CA on 2/27/97

Source Responds/To what we vibrate!

We vibrate/’Cording to our thoughts!

Matters not/What we’re focused on. (i.e….Past, Present or Future…)

Daily Quote – May 19, 2024
Sometimes you wonder if it is natural to experience a steady stream of unfulfilled desires? The answer to that question is, no! But what IS natural is for you to experience a never-ending stream of desires that are continuously fulfilled. Excerpted from Sacramento, CA on 3/1/14

We are meant/To renew Desire!

Daily Quote – April 23, 2024 When it feels to you as if someone is pushing your button, realize that you are the one with a great big button out there that is just begging to be pushed. If you don’t put it out there, no one will push it. Excerpted from San Francisco, CA on 3/8/14

What if “There’s/No out-there out there”?

Vibes attract/vibes unto themselves.

Nothing’s “there”/But which we create.

What “happens”/Is a telling clue ( what you have been vibrating/focusing upon.)

Vibes conspire/To attract like vibes!

Vibrations/Advertise themselves!

Daily Quote – April 22, 2024
If you can let anger subside, and let fear be replaced with more hopefulness, you will easily tap into a momentum of Well-being. It will seem so easy, you will wonder why you don’t do that more often. Excerpted from Orlando, FL on 1/11/14

How do I/Release my anger?

Breathe into/An imagined peace.

Count by threes/Backwards from 90!

Daily Quote – April 21, 2024

There are many situations, attitudes, lifestyles—even food choices—that you do not want to participate with. Through the living of your life, you have identified many wanted and unwanted aspects, and it is important to remember that none of those unwanted things can jump into your experience, because there is no assertion in your attraction-based Universe.

The choices that others make cannot negatively impact your experience unless you include them in your experience through your attention to them. Things come to you only through your Vibrational invitation—and they remain only by your continuing attention to them.

Your Universe is based upon freedom. Freedom for everyone to choose what they give their attention to, and therefore what they choose to experience. And your interaction with one another provides a contrasting basis that assures continual expansion.

When others achieve Vibrational alignment with something they desire, they in no way deprive you of your desires. If your time-space reality has inspired a desire within you, it is certain that your desire can be fulfilled, for your Earth environment has the potential of satisfying the essence of all desires.Excerpted from Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide 

Others can’t/Impose upon me.

Rather, I/Attract through my thoughts.

Attention/Begets attraction!

I am free/To focus at will.

My desires/Can all be fulfilled. (Period!)

Daily Quote – March 31. 2024 At the heart of every condition is a vibrational pattern—a rather minor tweaking of vibrational patterning (sort of like the hub of a wheel) can affect tremendously out there on the peripheral of this big wheel… A little bit of tweaking on the emotion can make big differences in the way the physical manifestation occurs. Excerpted from San Antonio, TX on 1/29/05

Small efforts/ Set new directions!

Seek to feel/ Just a bit better!

Embrace a/ Better feeling thought!

Shift feelings/ For a big effect!

Feel into:/ “I love feeling good!”

Daily Quote – February 5, 2024
There is an atmosphere of Well-being that surrounds you at every level of your being. There are not enough words to express to you fully the bigness of the Well-being that is focused upon you at all times. Excerpted from Boca Raton, FL on 1/18/14

We are bathed/In Source’s Well-Be’ng.

Source Tends to/Our Endless Well-Be’ng.

I am held/In Source Consciousness.

Neg’tive thought/Blocks our perception.

Open to/All the Love that’s here.

Daily Quote – January 23, 2024
As you give thought to your future—your future that may be 10 years; your future that may be 5 years; or your future that is 60 days away—you literally begin pre-paving. And then, as you move into those pre-paved moments, and as that future becomes your present, you fine-tune it by saying, This, is what I now want. And all of those thoughts that you have put forth about your future, right down to this moment when you are now intending what action you want to take, will all fit together to bring you precisely that which you now want to live. Excerpted from The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham

“Future” thoughts/Get the ball rolling!

Fine tune with:/”This is what I want.”

Thoughts collude/To create our “now”.

Daily Quote – January 19, 2024
If we were standing in your physical shoes, that would be our dominant quest: Entertaining Yourself, pleasing Yourself, connecting with Yourself, being Yourself, enjoying Yourself, loving Yourself. Some say, “Well, Abraham you teach selfishness.” And we say, yes we do, yes we do, yes we do, because unless you are selfish enough to reach for that connection, you don’t have anything to give anyone, anyway. And when you are selfish enough to make that connection—you have an enormous gift that you give everywhere you are. Excerpted from San Antonio, TX on 4/21/01
”Selfishness”/Is not what you think!

“Connecting”/To yourSelf comes first.

Pilots tell/You to mask up first!

“Unaligned”/Does good for no one!!!

Happiness/Is our only job.

Happiness/Is only our job!

Such a gift/To understand this!

Daily Quote – January 17, 2024
The main event has never been the manifestation; the main event has always been the way you feel moment by moment, because that’s what life is. Excerpted from Syracuse, NY on 10/17/96

What we feel’s/Our ultimate Guide.

Emotions/Are at basic cause.

Life is what/We experience.

Mind your mind! /Think good-feeling thoughts!

Manifest/Your good feelings FIRST!

Daily Quote – January 16, 2024
Make fun of death. We are as dead as it gets, and we are fully aware of this joyous experience. We are with you every time you allow it. We are in every singing bird and in every joyful child. We are part of every delicious pulsing in your environment. We are not dead, and neither will you ever be! You will just get up, one day, and get out of the movie. Excerpted from Boulder, CO on 6/11/05

What if life/Is just our “movie”?

What if we/Live beyond this life?

What if we/Are eternal Be’ngs?

What if we/Are a part of God?

What if Joy/Let’s us know we’re Synced?

Daily Quote – January 15, 2024
If you knew everything was really all right, and that it always has a happy ending, then you would not feel trepidacious about your future. Everything is really so very all right! If you could believe and trust that, then, immediately everything would automatically and instantly become all right.

Excerpted from Silver Springs, MD on 4/11/99

Just what if / Everything’s ok?

In the “end”/ All is well with me (us).

Just what if / “Source has got my back” ?

Our beliefs/Are ours to embrace.

I am free/To choose my beliefs!

Daily Quote – January 14, 2024
There is nothing about your physical awareness that connects you more to the Non-Physical aspect of your Being than that of your breathing.

Many assume that the process of breathing is only about your physical nature, but that is not the case. The process of breathing is much more than an essential function of your physical body. Indeed, it is the flowing of Spirit to you, and through you. That is the reason that when the focusing of Spirit through your physical body ceases, your breathing ceases, also.

Our meditation experience will induce a convergence of beneficial aspects for you, for as you relax into the natural rhythm of perfect breathing while hearing these spoken words, the Vibration of your physical being will gently surrender to the Vibrational frequency of your Source, and you will become one with your Source, inside the Vortex.

Through the hearing of our words in your relaxed state of allowing, you will allow the gentle tuning of your Vibrational frequency to match the frequency of your Source.

This will not be an exercise of effort or trying, but instead an exercise of releasing and allowing…gently allowing yourself to be who-you-really-are.

Simply breathe/IntoWho I Am.

Breath aligns/Us with Who We Are.

Spirit Flows/With me in my Breath.

“Allowing”/Means I’ve ceased to “try”.

Be Still and/Know that I Am God.

Quote – January 12, 2024

My Most Important Relationship Is With My Source… There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and the Soul/Source/God from which you have come. If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships. Your relationship with your own body; your relationship with money; your relationship with your parents, children, grandchildren, the people you work with, your government, your world . . . will all fall swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental, primary relationship first.

Excerpted from The Vortex: Where  the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

Primary/Is my Inner B’ing.

Naught is more/Important to me.

To align*/Means to love my Self.

Every Breath/Is a chance to love.

Focus thought/On all that you love.

*With my Inner Being

Daily Quote – January 5, 2024
Source is there for everyone at all times. We are always there. And so when you are aware of the presence of Source and when you are not offering a vibration that prevents you from your alignment with Source, then you have those wonderful moments. And you can do that all the time. And people refer to those who are doing that as masters. But all of you can do that. It is the mastery of focus. That’s what it is. Excerpted from the book
Co-creating at Its Best

Source is Here!/We are not alone!

Source Abides/Twenty Four/Seven!

Awake to/The Presence of Source.

Embrace Truth:/We are part of Source.

We live in/Source’s Consciousness.

Daily Quote – January 4, 2024

Desire is the beginning of all new Creation. Excerpted from San Francisco, CA on 3/1/97

Creation/Starts with Hearts’ desires!

I create/Through my aligned “wants”!

(Vibrational) Alignment/Allows our desires.

Alignment/Realizes “wants”.

Daily Quote – January 3, 2024

Someone asked us recently, “Is there any limitation to the body’s ability to heal?” And we said, “None, other than the belief that you hold.” And he said, “Then why aren’t people growing new limbs?” And we said, “Because no one believes that they can.” Excerpted from San Rafael, CA on 2/27/99

Thoughts control/That which I allow.

Craft thoughts to/Support “miracles”!

My body/Can heal anything.

Health is mine/To claim for myself.

I came with/A perfect blueprint.

Daily Quote – January 2, 2024
There is no risk for you out here on the leading edge, ever. And when you come to understand the true nature of Well-being in which you have come forth—then you can relax and begin to enjoy this magnificent adventure which is your creative life experience. We are not here to guide the specifics of that which you choose. You get to choose that, and you can’t get it wrong. We are here to assist you—only to assist you—in finding vibrational harmony with your desire; knowing that when you find vibrational harmony with your desire, you are, in this moment, a joyful Being. And that is our dominant wish for you.

Excerpted from Kansas City, MO on 6/1/02

Abraham/Has come to help me.

I’m free to/Choose the path I wish.

Remember!/All is truly well.

No worries!/I can’t get it “wrong”!

My deep Joy/Is my Harmony (with all that awaits me in my Vortex!)

Daily Quote – December 29, 2023
Whenever you are feeling less than good, if you will stop and say, Nothing is more important than that I feel good—I want to find a reason now to feel good, you will find an improved thought. Anytime you feel negative emotion, you are in the mode of resisting something that you want, and that resistance takes its toll on you. It takes its toll on your physical body, and it takes its toll on the amount of wonderful things that you are allowing to come into your experience. Excerpted from
Money and the Law of Attraction

Low feelings/Evoke resistance.

Examine/How thoughts impact you.

Negative/Feelings mirror thoughts.

I craft thoughts/To lift my feelings.

Daily Quote – December 18, 2023
The best you can do for anyone is to thrive fully and be willing to explain to anyone who asks how it is that you are thriving, and what it is that you’ve discovered—and then, just relax and trust that all truly is well. Excerpted from Buffalo, NY on 5/20/03

Self-care is/The ultimate gift.

Thrive fully/And explain the “how”.

Relax and/Know that all is well.

Self-care pays/Dividends for all!

Daily Quote – December 14, 2023
If you encourage your children to stay connected to Source Energy, they will remain clear-minded; they will remain optimistic; they will remain enthusiastic. They will remain balanced; they will remain flexible. They will remain in a state of grace. They will remain in a state of Well-Being. And they will make wonderful choices. Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 5/12/05

Help children/Stay attuned to Source!

Help your kids/Stay attuned to Source.

Once tuned in/They will have their Guide!

Help them tune:/They will then choose well!

Balanced and/Enthusiastic!

Balanced and/Optimistic kids!

Daily Quote – December 13, 2023
As you are in your physical body, with Source flowing to you and through you, you are continuing your eternal life. And even when you don’t know it, even when you feel bad, even when it feels like things aren’t going well, Source Energy is still flowing to you as unconditional love. The Source Energy that creates worlds is flowing to you. Excerpted from San Diego, CA on 2/8/14

Source Abides/In each breath we take.

Love flows here/Uncondition’ly.

We are loved/Uncondition’ly.

Each breath’s part/Of Eternity.

Each life’s part/Of Eternity.

Daily Quote – December 12, 2023
Many think success means getting everything I want. And we say, that’s what dead is, and there is no such thing as that kind of dead. Success is not being done; not being complete. Success is still dreaming and feeling positive in the unfolding. Excerpted from Sacramento, CA on 3/15/03

Success is/Feeling positive!

Success is/A + state of mind.

Success is/getting all you want?

So you’d think!/But then you’d be dead!

Satisfied/And eager for more!

That is what/Drives the expansion!

Dream some more!/That’s what life’s about!

Daily Quote – December 9, 2023
The Law of Attraction Assembles all cooperative Relationships... So here is this Vortex of becoming—a Vortex that contains all of the requests, all of the amended requests—each and every detail of each and every asking that has emanated from you—and the Law of Attraction is responding to that. Envision this swirling, swirling, swirling Vortex and the power of attraction that is amassed as the Law of Attraction responds to this pure, nonresisted, focused desire. The Vortex is literally drawing in all things necessary for the completion of every request it contains. All cooperative components are being summoned and are coming for the completion of these creations, for the answering of these questions, for the solutions to these problems. Excerpted from 
The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

LOA/Gathers all like-vibes.

The “Vortex”/Holds all my desires!

Thoughts create/Vibrational fields.

I “attract”/’Cording to my vibes!

Cultivate/Thoughts that bring me joy!

Daily Quote – November 28, 2023
No matter what the issue is, don’t try to justify why you don’t feel good. And don’t try to justify why you should feel differently. Don’t try to blame whatever it is you think the reason is that’s keeping you from feeling good. All of that is wasted effort. Just try to feel better right now. Excerpted from Tallahassee, FL on 1/21/01

Look away/From current problems.

Look towards/Thoughts that feel good.

Just try to/Feel better now!

Focus on/That which brings you joy.

Choose subjects/That bring you to peace.

Daily Quote – November 26, 2023
You are Beings who intend to come forth and to continue to expand and grow and change. What is the perfect age? “Well, it’s the age where I finally understand my freedom, and I finally understand that I am free to create, and it’s the age that I am at my most beautiful.” And we say, by whose standards? In other words, who gets to decide the perfect age? And we say, rather than determining what the perfect age is, why not decide what the perfect state of being is—and then discover that you can find the perfect state of being at any age. Excerpted from Tarrytown, NY on 5/10/03

Who gets to/Define “perfection”?

(Contemplate:) Not your age/But your “state of be’ng”.

Love and bliss:/States of perfection.

Breathe into/States of Perfection.

Breathe into/States of Love and Bliss.

Daily Quote - November 19, 2023

There is not something you’re supposed to do. There’s not something that you should do. There is only that which you are inspired to do. And how do you get inspired except by the contrast? It’s the life experience that gives you the idea of the desire, and then as you focus upon the desire, the Energy flows. Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 4/14/98

There are no/Shoulds or Musts in Life!

Contrast is/That which inspires!

Our desires/Emerge from contrast.

Contrast prompts/Creativity.

Perfection/Would cause all to cease!

There’s no end/To our evolving.

Energy/Flows unto your Dreams.

Daily Quote – November 17, 2023
All of you are allowing through the crack of least resistance. So there are a combination of factors. The degree of desire is a factor. In other words, the amount of pulling power that’s going on is a factor. Someone could really, really, really want something, and could really, really, really be disallowing it—but because they want it intensely they get it, but it comes the hard way. Excerpted from Cincinnati, OH on 7/15/00

Deep desire/Can trump resistance.

Sweet beliefs/Melt one’s resistance.

Cultivate/Positive beliefs!

Cultivate/Thoughts that bring relief.

Good feeling/Thoughts quell resistance.

Resistance*/Slows what dreams may come. *In the form of negative feelings and beliefs…

Daily Quote – November 14, 2023
The Law of Attraction says that that which is like unto itself, is drawn. In other words, that which you think, in any moment, attracts unto itself other thoughts that are like it. That is why whenever you are thinking about a subject that is not pleasant, in a very short period of time, most of you, upon any subject that you ponder very long, attract enough supporting data that it does bring forth the essence of the subject of the thought into your experience. Excerpted from 
Money and the Law of Attraction

Like attracts/Like unto itself.

Thoughts promote/Your attraction powers!

Mind your thoughts!/They are what attract.

Reflect on/That which feels good!

Good feelings/Garner good results!

Daily Quote – November 12, 2023
We want you to understand that abundance expands proportionately to match desire, and that there is great untapped abundance not yet allowed by the very humans who have created it. When your life experience causes a focused desire within you, the means to fulfill that desire is created at the same time—but you have to be on the Vibrational wavelength with your desire in order to see the path to the fulfillment of it. A belief in shortage or lack will prevent your discovery of the path to your own creation, and any feeling of resistance indicates that you are on the wrong Vibrational path. However, in your understanding of the never-ending abundance of this Universe, you will feel personal delight whenever you observe anyone’s alignment with it, for their achievement can in no way diminish yours, but can only enhance it. As you focus upon your breathing and the music and words of your meditation recording, you will deactivate your usual resistance to abundance, and you will discover the satisfying feeling of positive expectation and success. And then, the manifestation of that success must come to you. It is Law! Excerpted from 
Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation

Resistance/Will not light the Path.

‘Preciate/Our world’s abundance!

Positive/Expectation wins!


Daily Quote – November 11, 2023
Be easy about it. Don’t rush into things. Savor them more. Make more plans and be more deliberate and specific about the plans that you are making; and in all that you do, let your dominant intent be to find that which pleasures you as you imagine it. Let your desire for pleasure—your desire for feeling good—be your only guiding light. As you seek those thoughts that feel good, you will always be in vibrational harmony with the Energy that is your Source. And, under those conditions, only good can come to you; and only good can come from you. Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 4/14/98

Savor plans./Imagine pleasure.

Seek the thoughts/That feel good to you.

Feeling good/Is our guiding Light.

Feeling good/Aligns us with Source.

Feeling good/Radiates from us.

Daily Quote – November 10, 2023
A happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people don’t allow the happy moment, because they’re so busy trying to get a happy life. Excerpted from Sacramento, CA on 3/15/03

Happiness/Only happens now!

Cultivate/Happiness within.

Seek to be/Happy in the Now!

Happiness/Is an inside job!

Feel your heart/Well up in its joy!

Daily Quote – November 9, 2023
Most rarely align with their true power, because it seems illogical to them that there is power in relaxation, in letting go, or in love or joy or bliss. Most people do not understand that their true power lies in releasing resistance—which is the only obstacle to their true power. Most people do not expect their path to great abundance to be one of ease and of joy. They have been taught that struggle and hardship and sacrifice are requirements that must be met before the reward of great abundance can be realized. Most do not understand that the very struggle they deliberately involve themselves in, in their quest for success and advantage, actually works against them. There are so many things that you have been taught to believe that are counter to the powerful Laws of the Universe that it is difficult for you to think your way out. And that is the reason that we present this path of much less resistance. We want you to breathe rather than try, to relax rather than offer effort, to smile rather than struggle, to be rather than do. For your true power is experienced only from inside the Vortex.

Excerpted from Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide on 11/1/10

Power lies/’Nlove and joy and bliss. (Please excuse the artistic license!)

Breathe in deep!/Be rather than do.

Meditate./Release resistance.

Relax and/Sense into your Be’ng.

Breathe in deep!/Revel in your Be’ng.

Breathe in deep!/Relax into Be’ng.

Daily Quote – November 7, 2023
I Can Always Enter My Vibrational Vortex of Creation… The key to getting inside your Vibrational Vortex of Creation; of experiencing the absolute absence of resistance; of achieving complete alignment with all that you have become and all that you desire, and of bringing to your physical experience everything that you desire—is being in the state of appreciation—and there is no more important object of attention to which you must flow your appreciation than that of self. Excerpted from THE VORTEX 8-31-09

Revel in/The fact that you ARE!

“I am” is/truly a wonder!

The “I am”/evokes awe within.

Consciousness/Is packed in “I am”!

Say “I am!”/Now, how cool is THAT?

Daily Quote – November 4, 2023
I Have Complete Control Over My Own Thoughts… You can find yourself in an endless loop where you explain that you feel negative because of the negative behavior of someone else. But if, instead, you take control of your own emotions and you think an improved thought because it feels better to do so,  you will discover that no matter how the negative trend got started, you can turn it around. You have no real control of what anyone else is doing with their Vibration (or with their actions, for that matter), but you have complete control over your own thoughts, Vibrations, emotions, and point of attraction. Excerpted from The Vortex on 8/31/09

I’m in charge!/I’m the boss of me!

What I think/Is my own domain.

My own vibe/Is what I control.

November 1, 2023 Get so fixated on what you want, that you drown out any vibration or reverberation that has anything to do with what you do not want. Excerpted from Boston, MA on 10/2/04

Look solely/At your Heart’s Desire!

With intent/Fixate on your wants!

Refine thoughts/To reflect your dreams!


October 31, 2023
Someone asked us recently, “Is there any limitation to the body’s ability to heal?” And we said, “None other than the belief that you hold.” And he said, “Then why aren’t people growing new limbs?” And we said, “Because no one believes that they can.” Excerpted from San Rafael, CA on 2/27/99

Imagine/Your body’s well-be’ng!

Our (My) beliefs/Determine results!

My mind is/My life’s crucible!

As we think/So the body is.

October 30, 2023 People say, “The joy is in the journey,” but they rarely understand what they are saying. You are in this focused time–space reality with goals and objectives that call you because as you identify a desire it literally summons life through you. Life summoning through you is what it’s all about —it’s not the completion of anything. Excerpted from Chicago, IL on 11/1/98

Deep desires/Summon Life through me! (us)

Life’s about/Calling forth some MORE!

Find the Joy/In discov’ring wants!

Source Responds/To our zest for Life!

Daily Quote – October 27, 2021
The Law of Attraction is responding to your thought, not to your current reality. When you change the thought your reality must follow suit. If things are going well for you then focusing upon what is happening now will cause the well-being to continue, but if there are things happening now that are not pleasing, you must find a way of taking your attention away from those unwanted things. You have the ability to quickly change your patterns of thought, and eventually… your life experience. Take 15 minutes daily, thinking of pleasant scenarios regarding your body, with the sole intent of enjoying your body and appreciating its strength and stamina and flexibility and beauty. When you visualize for the joy of visualizing rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency your thoughts are more pure and, therefore, more powerful. When you visualize to overcome something that is wrong your thoughts are diluted with the “lackful” side of the equation. In time, your physical condition will acquiesce to your dominant thoughts. Excerpted from the book  
Money and the Law of Attraction

It’s our thoughts/That create our vibes!

Change your Life?/Change the thoughts you think!

Marvel at/All your body does!

Think upon/Strength and stamina.

Think upon/Flexibility.

Daily Quote – October 25, 2023
This important subject of money and financial success is not the “root of all evil” as many have quoted—nor is it the path to happiness. So when you are able to successfully control something like the subject of money that affects most of you all day, every day, you will have accomplished something rather significant—for not only is it certain that your financial success must improve, but the evidence of that success will then prepare you for deliberate improvement in every aspect of your life experience. Excerpted from the book
Money and the Law of Attraction

It’s easy/To wig out ‘bout funds.

Subject-wise/It is challenging!

Make peace with/What is “in the bank”.

Lean in to/Trusting that it’s “there”. (i.e. “In the Vortex” for you)

Then turn to/Breathing (basking) in this Now!

Daily Quote – October 24, 2023
Law of Attraction says, “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” Vibrations are always matched. So, as you experience the contrast which inspires the new desire, this new desire, whether it is a strong one or a soft one, is summoning unto itself proportionately. And as it summons, it is always answered. It is the basis of our Universe: When it is asked, it is always given. Humans think they are asking with their words, or even with their action—and sometimes you are—but the Universe is not responding to your words or your action. The Universe is responding to your vibrational calling. Excerpted from Cincinnati, OH on 7/15/00

When we ask/It is always giv’n.

High-fly’ng vibes/Get us what we “want”.

We “request”/With the vibes we vibe!

“Universe”/Tunes in to our vibes! (ONLY!!!)

Daily Quote – October 23, 2023
Get out into the sunlight — out where everything is — with a vibration that is so dominant that those who annoy you; those who don’t agree with you; those who make your life feel uncomfortable don’t come into your experience, because your vibration — through your practice — has become so clear, so pure, so clean, so in keeping with what you want, that the world that revolves around you just feels like that. That’s what you planned.

Seek feeling/”Like a million bucks”!

Breathe in Bliss/Out in the sunshine!

Revel in/What makes your Heart sing!

Even Breath/Can reveal Bliss!

by which I mean….

Discover/the Bliss in your Breath!

October 20, 2023 There are no happier people on this planet than those who decide that they want something, define what they want, get hold of the feeling of it even before its manifestation and then joyously watch the unfolding as, piece by piece by piece, it begins to unfold. That’s the feeling of your hands in the clay. Excerpted from San Francisco, CA on 8/18/01

Use your pow’r/To Imagine Life!

Create with/Visions of delight!

Happiness?/Fulfilled intentions!

Revel in/Your imagined dreams!

October 18, 2023 Source Energy is a streaming consciousness that is streaming into your physical body. And when you allow your connection to be full that’s when you feel so good. Excerpted from Orlando, FL on 1/11/14

Awareness/IS Source Energy!

Consciousness/is “Sourced” Energy!

Revel in/The sweet thoughts you think!

They reflect/Connection to Source!

Feeling good/Reflects Alignment!

Feeling good/Feels oh, so GOOD!!! : )

Now you know/When you are Aligned!

October 17, 2023 Every religion on the planet, and there are so many more than you are even aware of, has the potential of absolute thriving. But when you think that you must prove that you have the only one that is right—and you use your condemnation to push against the others—your condemnation separates you from your own Connection that, before your condemnation, you were finding in your own religion. Excerpted from Boston, MA on 10/2/04

“Religions”/Stem from the same Truth!

Different “Clothes”/Covers up that Link.

Seek to know/One “Humanity”.

We’re the Same/Underneath our skin.

How boring/If we looked alike!

October 14, 2023 The majority have been programmed from their past experience to expect physical decline. And while it is something they don’t want, they are programmed to expect it. And so, they’re going to get what they expect. It’s not that what they expect is the reality that everyone lives, but that everyone lives the reality of what they expect.

We can choose/Beyond what was “taught”.

We can choose/”Better feeling thoughts”!

Our new thoughts/Will change what we “get”.

Create lists/Of desired thoughts!

Daily Quote – September 19, 2023 You create your own reality and you do so because the thoughts that you are thinking cause you to emanate a vibrational frequency that the Law of Attraction is constantly responding to. And so, in all waking moments, you are creating your own point of attraction and everything that you experience is coming to you because of your vibrational emanation and the response of Law of Attraction to that vibration. It is as if you are standing on a sort of spinning vibrational disc and only things of the same vibration can join you on your disc. Your disc changes depending upon the thoughts that you are thinking and the emotions that you are feeling. Excerpted from the book: Co-creating at Its Best: A Conversation Between Master Teachers

I create/My reality!

My thoughts draw/What Life brings to me.

LOA/Is my dance partner!

I attract/With the vibes I feel.

Grace resides/In this present NOW!

Daily Quote – September 15, 2023
We’re not wanting to be insensitive to what so many of you are feeling, but we are very much wanting you to put this death thing in the proper perspective: You are all going to die! Except there is no death. You’re all going to make your transition into Non-Physical. It is time to stop making your transition into Non-Physical sound like a subject that is uncomfortable and begin acknowledging that it is something that happens to everyone. This death thing is so misunderstood that you use it to torture yourself never-endingly and just absolutely unnecessarily. There are those who feel such fulfillment of life and such Connection to Source Energy, who understand that there is no separation between what is physical and Non-Physical; who understand that there is not even a lapse in consciousness, that “death” is a matter of closing one’s eyes in this dimension and literally opening one’s eyes in the other dimension. And that, truly, is how all death is, no matter how it looks, up to that point.. The re-emergence into Source Energy is always a delightful thing. Excerpted from Buffalo, NY on 9/25/01

Life appears/To end upon “death”.

Things are not/Quite as they may seem.

At our “end”/We begin afresh!

Who’d a thunk!/Death recycles US!!!

Consciousness/Does not die at “death”.

All we know/Emanates from Source.


Rather than wanting to hold to the past longer and slow things down and stop the aging process—just revel in the power of now! You can’t stop time, and you won’t stop the recycling process that is taking place upon this planet, nor would you want to—but you do not have to suffer the moving through time. Every moment can be more wonderful than the moment before. Excerpted from Houston, TX on 1/5/02

With sweet thoughts/Life unfolds, anew!

Loving Life/Keeps me feeling young!

Daily Quote – August 31, 2023
When you are exploring contrast, we want you to remind yourself: I am not doing something wrong standing in this contrasting place. I am doing something leading edge. I am doing something more refining. I am doing something more specific. I am not standing in a wrong place. I am standing in a right place. Excerpted from Orlando, FL on 1/11/14

Contrast may/Feel like the “wrong” place.

Contrast points/Me to better thoughts.

Don’t want THIS?/…Focus on desires!

Embrace “NOW”/As information!

The Thoughts I Think Determine the Relationship I Attract… You are the thinking, Vibrating attractor of your experience; and the thoughts you think determine everything about the life that you live. As you turn your attention toward the positive aspects of the personalities and behaviors of others with whom you share your planet, you will train your point of attraction in the direction of only what you desire. Not only does the power of your thought determine which people make their way into your life, but the power of your thought determines how they behave once they get there. Excerpted from The Vortex: Where The Law Of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

I can train/Where I put my thoughts.

What I vibe/Attracts Life to me.

Thoughts evoke/Experiences.

I want to/Elicit the “good”.

Think upon/All that’s good in Life.

Think with heart/Upon all that’s good.

Daily Quote – August 24, 2023
Make the best of where you are and do your best to line up your Energy from where you are, because any bit of struggle or any bit of regret only holds your cork under the water and doesn’t allow you to connect with the Energy that would allow anything to improve. Excerpted from Silver Spring, MD on 4/19/97

Do my best/To align with Source.

This means I/Search for what is “good”.

This means I/Search for what I love.

This means I/Search for what brings joy.

This means I/Open up my heart.

Daily Quote – August 23, 2023
What makes people decline is that they start forking in the direction that doesn’t allow them to be the receivers of this never-ending Stream of Well-Being. You don’t have to decline… “Happy, healthy, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, dead!” That’s Esther’s plan… Excerpted from San Diego, CA on 8/13/05

I (We) float on/A Stream of Well-Be’ng.

Happy, well./Happy, healthy, dead! Or….

Happy, Heal/Thy, Happy, Healthy, Dead!

Wellness is/My expectation.

I expect/Vibrancy and health.

Daily Quote – August 22, 2023
You can never have a happy ending at the end of an unhappy journey; it just doesn’t work out that way. The way you’re feeling, along the way, is the way you’re continuing to pre-pave your journey, and it’s the way it’s going to continue to turn out until you do something about the way you are feeling. Excerpted from West Los Angeles, CA on 8/6/05

+Feelings are/The means to great ends!

How I feel/Determines my path.

Seek the “good”/As I move through Life.

Joy found now/Foretells great outcomes.

Don’t postpone/Finding happiness.

Daily Quote – August 21, 2023
You are on the leading edge of thought, taking thought beyond that which it has been before. Who cares what thoughts have led up to this. You’re standing in the fresh now, and many of the thoughts that you vehemently oppose are the very thoughts that have given you the desire that has attracted the clarity of where you now stand. No matter how awful you think they might be, all were of value in the evolution forward. Every one of them. Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 4/14/98

Even “wrong”/thoughts have their value.

“Good” or “bad”,/ Thoughts bring clarity.

Ev’ry thought/That’s been thought, exists.

In this NOW/Lies the leading edge.

Daily Quote – August 20, 2023
Law of Attraction says, “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” Which means vibrations are always matched. So as you experience the contrast which inspires the new idea within you, this new idea —this desire — whether it is a strong one or a soft one, is summoning unto itself proportionately. And as it summons, it is always answered. It is the basis of our Universe: When it is asked, it is always given. The confusion that humans feel is that they think they are asking with their words — or even with their action — and sometimes you are. But the Universe is not responding to your words or your action. The Universe is responding to your vibrational calling. Excerpted from Cincinnati, OH on 7/15/00

When it’s asked/It is always giv’n.

LOA*/Means that vibes match vibes! (*Law of Attraction)

Vibrations/Attract like to like.

Contrast prompts/New desires to birth.

Imagine/Your desires fulfilled.

This puts you/Into alignment.

Daily Quote – August 19, 2023
You cannot continue to beat the drum of things that don’t feel good when you beat them—without filling your future experience full of things that don’t feel good. At some point, there’s going to be a tipping point that’s going to become a manifestation. Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 5/12/05

Thoughts become/Manifestations.

Beat the drums/That make your heart sing!

Complaints lead/To more “unwanted”.

Vibes emerge/From all kinds of thoughts!

Daily Quote – August 18, 2023
The most valuable skill or talent that you could ever develop is that of directing your thoughts toward what you want—to be adept at quickly evaluating all situations and then quickly coming to the conclusion of what you most want—and then giving your undivided attention to that. There is a tremendous skill in deliberately directing your own thoughts that will yield results that cannot be compared with results that mere action can provide. Excerpted from
Money and the Law of Attraction

Direct thoughts/To my heart’s desires!

Entertain/Only what I want.

Don’t let doubts/Creep into my mind!

My mind’s pow’r/Supersedes action!

Daily Quote – August 17, 2023
You think that the goal is to be over there, and we say the goal is the journey over there; the goal is the fun you have along the way on your way to over there. Excerpted from San Francisco, CA on 3/1/97

The journey/Is its own reward!

Happiness/Lies upon the path.

Look to now/For the sweetest goal.

The Present/holds all of our gifts.

Daily Quote: August 16, 2023 We didn’t say: when you feel good you are allowing good, and when you feel bad you are allowing bad (although it may translate into your experience in that way). There is only a Source of Well-being—which you are allowing or not. Excerpted from Ashland, OR on 7/20/02

There is naught/But Source Energy.

Align with/The Source of Well-Be’ng.

Resistance/Dampens our Well-Be’ng.

Emotions*/Imply resistance. (*Negative emotions)

“I Am” is/Alignment with Source.

Feel the Pow’r./Embrace my “I Am”.

Daily Quote – August 14, 2023
The more you say “I don’t remember,” the more you cannot remember. You cannot find something that’s “lost”. When you’ve decided that it’s lost, when it’s lost to you, it is lost. The Universe could not possibly show it to you. Excerpted from Syracuse, NY on 10/14/97

If it’s “lost”/Source can not reveal.

Mind my thoughts!/Source is list’ning in.

LOA*/Is a neutral force. (*Law of Attraction)

Script my thoughts/To match my desires!

When you feel gratitude, often you are looking at a difficulty that you have overcome, but there is still some of that “struggle” vibration present. The state of appreciation is seeing whatever you are looking at through the eyes of Source. . . You could walk down a crowded street with all kinds of things that a lot of other people would find reason to criticize or worry about, and you would not have access to them because your vibration of appreciation is picking out for you things of a different vibrational nature. From Money and the Law of Attraction

Pick out what/I appreciate!

Focus on/What makes my Heart sing!

My Nan said:/“Draw a kindly veil”!

Let my mind/Focus on desires.

Cultivate/Appreciation! (My all-time favorite “Abraham-esque” 3/5. It says it all!)

Daily Quote – July 18, 2023
Everything that is today could not be if it were not for that which was before. Excerpted from El Paso, TX on 11/14/98

What is now/Was birthed in the past.

What was then/Gives rise to what’s now.

Then and now:/It’s all in time’s web.

Daily Quote – July 17, 2023
The one factor that has been unknown by most humans, that is understood by the beasts, is that Well-being truly does abound; and that you are blessed beings who live in an atmosphere of grace; and that unless you are doing something to pinch off the Well-being, it will be yours. Look for the evidence of the Well-being, and be an advocate for Well-being rather than an advocate for getting rid of what does not feel like Well-being. Then little by little by little, your own personal experience begins to take shape in a way that is more satisfying to you. Excerpted from San Francisco, CA on 8/18/01

Well-Being/Truly does abound!

Emphasize/What feels like “Well-Be’ng”!

I can choose/How I frame my thoughts.

Well-Being/Is the deepest Truth.

Well-Being/Undergirds all Life.

Well-Being!/Scan for evidence.

On the Whole/Well-Being abounds.

Daily Quote – July 16, 2023 What anyone else has or does not have has nothing to do with you. The only thing that affects your experience is the way you utilize the Non-Physical Energy with your thought. Your abundance or lack of it in your experience has nothing to do with what anybody else is doing or having. It has only to do with your perspective. It has only to do with your offering of thought. If you want your fortunes to shift, you have to begin telling a different story. Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction

My thoughts drive/The life that unfolds.

“All is well!”/Lean into this thought!

Calibrate/To a New Story!

Imagine/The life that I’d love!

I am backed/By the Universe!

Daily Quote – July 15, 2023
When you focus upon lack in an attitude of complaining, you establish a vibrational point of attraction that then gives you access only to more thoughts of complaint. Your deliberate effort to tell a new story will establish a new pattern of thought, providing you with a new point of attraction from your present, about your past, and into your future. The simple effort of looking for positive aspects will set a new vibrational tone that will begin the immediate attraction of thoughts, people, circumstances, and things that are pleasing to you.

Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction

Lackful thoughts/Bring a lackful life.*

Complain not!/Lack just attracts lack!

Softened thoughts:/….Sweeter narrative.

Seek delight/In my very thoughts.

Scan for “good”/in what I perceive.

Ok, so maybe “lackful” isn’t a word. I guess being full of lack is a kind of oxymoron! But you get the point!

Daily Quote – July 14, 2023

Appreciation is the magic formula you’ve been seeking. Excerpted from Albuquerque, NM on 9/1/04


Magic lies/In a grateful heart.

Here’s The Key!/Appreciation!


You cannot notice what-is and complain about it, and be a vibrational match to the solution. When you were living the problem, you were asking for the solution, and Source said yes immediately. So, there’s never a reason for you to be wallowing around in a problem for more than about a second. You can get so good at this that before you’re even aware that the problem has gotten started, you’ve already got the solution under way.                                  Excerpted from Sacramento, CA on 7/27/05

Problems have/Unique vibrations.

Think instead/On great solutions.

What might a/Solution look like?

Match my vibes/To what’s in my V(ortex)!

Daily Quote – July 11, 2023

The Eternal Laws of the Universe steadily hold the promise of expansion and joy. Understanding the Laws will reawaken within you the knowledge of your purpose and your own personal power as you remember how to access the power of the Universe that creates worlds.  If this time-space reality has within it the ability to inspire a desire within you, it is absolute that this time-space reality has the ability to yield you a full and satisfying manifestation of that same desire. It is Law.                     Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction

My desires/are backed by The Laws.

Alignment/Activates my Power.

Fulfillment/Of my wants is giv’n.

‘T’sup to me/To trust in the Laws.

Daily Quote – July 10, 2023
When you manage to stay connected to your Energy stream, you always win. And you know what, somebody else doesn’t have to lose for you to win. There is always enough.                          Excerpted from Los Angeles, CA on 2/2/97

Alignment/Is Success’s Key.

Life is not/A zero-sum game.

There’s enough/For all to succeed.

Joy is the/Measure of Success.


My heart’s Joy/Measures my Success.

Daily Quote – July 5, 2023

The Universe is not discriminating about the rightness or the wrongness of your request. It is here to accommodate all requests. All you have to do is be a Vibrational Match to your request, and the Universe will yield it to you.   Excerpted from Sacramento, CA on 5/13/00

Be a match/To my deep desires.

Match my vibes/to my ev’ry want.

No bad wants!/Source will Support me!

Align with/That which I desire!

Raise my vibes/To sweet fulfillment.

Happiness/Is the key magnet (to fulfilled desires).

Get happy!/Then desires come!

Daily Quote – June 30, 2023

The most magnificent Creators don’t want to get together with people who think just like they do. They’re looking for people who have other thoughts, because out of the contradiction, comes ideas that could not be born out of sameness. Your relationships will be ultimately more if you’re not identical twins just “yessing, yessing, yessing” to everything that the other one is about.    Excerpted from Los Angeles, CA on 7/24/99

Challengers/Stimulate fresh views.

Stretch beyond/Through opposing thoughts!

Others’ views/Foment synergy.

Opponents/Take us to new heights!

Daily Quote – June 14, 2023

There isn’t anything anybody wants that is for any other reason than that they think they would feel better in having it. Excerpted from Seattle, WA on 7/3/99

Longings make/me think I’d be whole.

Go direct!/Just choose happiness!

Daily Quote – June 13, 2023

The Universe does not know if the vibration you are offering is because of what you are imagining, or because of what you are observing. In either case, it is responding. Emotion is your guidance or your response to your vibration. Your emotion does not create. Emotion is your indicator of what you are already creating. As you think, you vibrate. And it is your vibrational offering that equals your point of attraction. So, what you are thinking and what is coming back to you is always a vibrational match. The emotion (your Guidance System) is telling you what’s coming. Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA on 3/7/00

Emotions/Do not create vibes.

It’s my thoughts/that create my vibes.

My feelings/Let me know what’s up. (…in my mind)

My feelings/Reflect what I think.

For more joy/I’ll choose sweeter thoughts.

Daily Quote – June 12, 2023
Make lists of positive aspects. Make lists of things you love—and never complain about anything. And as you use those things that shine bright and make you feel good as your excuse to give your attention and be who-you-are, you will tune to who-you-are, and the whole world will begin to transform before your eyes. It is not your job to transform the world for others—but it is your job to transform it for you. A state of appreciation is pure Connection to Source where there is no perception of lack. Excerpted from
Money and the Law of Attraction

Focus thoughts/On things that I love.

Contemplate/All that’s good in Life.

Attitude/Attracts what I live.

Make lists of/Positive aspects!  ‘ )

I make Joy/My clear intention.

Daily Quote: June 10, 2023

You can’t take sides against anything. If you would just leave the “against” part out; if you would just be one who is for things – you would live happily ever after …Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA on 3/7/00

Focus on/What I’m really FOR!

Push against/And I’ll call it forth.

Advocate/For the things I love.

What I tend/Will appreciate.

Daily Quote: May 18 2023

There is the potential for relief (feeling better) indefinitely. In other words, we do not know of any ending point to the amount of clarity, and adventure, and joy, and Well-Being—it is an unlimited thing.                                         Excerpted from Asheville, NC on 10/24/04

Feeling good/Has no boundaries!

Consider!/There are no limits (to improved feelings).

Keep reaching/For my improved thoughts.

Clarity/Adventure and Joy!  

Well-Being/Has no upper reach.  

I can keep/Reaching for “better”!

Daily Quote – May 12, 2023
Expectation is a focus with a vibration that permits the receiving of what you’re focused upon—and, you expect things, both wanted and unwanted.         Excerpted from Tampa, FL on 1/8/05

What I get/Is what I expect!  

Focus on/That which I desire.  I focus/On what I desire. (Or at least I want to!)

Thoughts hint at/That which I expect.

How do I/ Raise expectations???

Nudge them with/sweet positive thoughts!

‘Lign desires/With expectations!

Daily Quote – May 11, 2023 Matter is the evolution of energy. First there is thought, then there is thought form, and then there is matter. Matter is only thought that has been thought upon by more. Excerpted from Kansas City, MO on 8/29/99

When you wake up in the morning, the cells of your body have pushed the reset button. And if you don’t reintroduce negative beliefs that you have about your body or about your ability, as soon as you wake up-then you have a fresh start. Excerpted from Orlando, FL on 1/11/14

Sleep allows/Momentum to stop.

As we sleep/Our cells all reset!

Intend to/Awaken afresh.

Start the day/With positive thoughts.

See myself/Through the eyes of Love.

Daily Quote – May 1, 2023 What others are doing around you seems very important when you have not found your own steadiness. You want to say to them, “Don’t rock my boat! If you rock my boat, I can’t be steady.” But the truth of it is, you’re the only boat-rocker in your world. Only you can rock your boat.                                                 Excerpted from Phoenix, AZ on 2/1/14

Others don’t/Determine my ease.

Only I/Can rock my own boat!

Look to thoughts/To find steadiness.

Alignment/Is an inside job! or….Happiness/Is an inside job.

Set my course/With my Inner Being.

Daily Quote – April 30, 2023
You can be happy or sad, it doesn’t matter. You get to choose. You can go this way or that way. You get to choose. Figure it all out as you go. There’s not one right path. There are many right paths. Do anything you can do — which means think it or speak it or do it — that makes you feel a little better.                         Excerpted from Boston, MA on 10/10/99

Trend towards/That which feels good.

We’re at choice/With what we’re feeling.

Choose the view/That feels best to me.

Let my Bliss/Lead me on my path.

Feeling good/Is a trusted guide.

I’ll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me… Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate, and you do your best to give it your undivided attention so that you become a Vibrational Match to it. And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together and brings you, because you’re a match, together with it – then there aren’t any bugs to work out. Don’t ask the person, or people, that helped you to define what you want to become what you want so that you can have what you want. (Oh, that was so good.) Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part). Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want – and then the Universe will bring you what you want. Excerpted from The Vortex Where The Law Of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

Align with/What’s in my Vortex!

Never mind/What others might do.

Keep my eyes/Upon my desires!

My Vortex/Brims with my desires!

Look within!/”Drive in my own lane!”

Imagine! Dream the life I want.

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This page gives you a kind of “critical mass” of Daily Quotes and attendant 3/5s for getting the hang of the process! You can activate the metronome and breathe/read the 3/5s to the beat. That is, breathe in on the first 3 syllables and out on the /remaining 5 syllables. Enjoy!