In 2010, Abraham, Esther and Jerry Hicks co-created 4 guided meditations to music. With those meditations, came the instructions to follow the breathing prompts embedded in the beat of the music. In comparing that beat to a metronome, I determined that 48 bpm was this assigned breathing tempo. That is, the listener/meditator was to inhale on a count of 3 and exhale on a count of 5, in sync with the music.
From there, it wasn’t a big leap to come up with the idea to create a 3/5…a written couplet where you breathe in on the first line of 3 syllables and breathe out on the second line of 5 syllables, with a background metronome set at 48 bpm. You can use any text as your inspiration for creating the 3/5. I have found it very satisfying and fun to use the Daily Quote offered by Abraham-Hicks Publications as the basis for my 3/5s, as demonstrated in The Lab.
There is another layer to this 3/5 alignment process. In studying EFT from several EFT “Masters”, I learned that after doing several rounds of tapping, one can induce oneself into an alpha brainwave state. The combination of the uplifting thoughts inherent in the Daily Quote-derived 3/5s, slowing one’s breathe to a 48 bpm tempo and tapping on the meridian points on the body, conspires to raise one’s vibrations in a way that is viscerally perceived. This is a great way to “release resistance”; to “get into the Vortex”; and to generally get into a place of feeling good!
While you are most welcomed to use the 3/5s I offer on this website, I invite you to try your hand at creating some for yourself. I find it to be a good way to deepen my relationship to the text of the Daily Quote (or whatever text you are drawn to). Just that creative act, itself, is very soothing. When you couple that with slowing the words down in your mind to match a 48 bpm tempo (available for sampling below) and tapping on the body’s meridian points, a lovely calming effect overtakes you and helps you to “calibrate to a higher vibration”.