What is EFTapping?
Note: The following instructions outline EFT’s most basic steps. The internet and YouTube provide a wealth of information on the development and uses of EFT as well as diagrams of the tapping points and their associated organs and emotions! This information can yield deep insights into the body-mind-Spirit connection.
Disclaimer: Neither EFTapping nor any of the processes/exercises on this website should replace contacting a health professional for serious physical concerns or emotional issues like depression and trauma.
What Is EFTapping?
In the last 3+ decades, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or “EFTapping”, (as referred to in this Website) has gained wide recognition as an effective self-administered percussive tool (using one’s fingers to tap on various acupressure points of the body) for releasing blockages in the body’s meridians or energy pathways (whether experienced as physical pain or negative emotional pain). The beauty of this technique is that not only can it relieve a person of these energetic blockages (or “resistance” in the Abraham parlance) but it can support one to move in the positive direction of enhanced and desired states of physical and emotional well-being, i.e., towards how you want to feel. This is the predominant and desired use on this website.
How is it used?
There are two levels of answers here to this question. The first is the simple instruction for coupling EFTapping with any of the exercises on this website. You use the two first fingers of both of your hands to gently tap on the following meridian points on the body (except the first one!):
Tap with the right hand on the fleshy part of the outside of the palm of the left hand. This is referred to as the “Karate Chop” (KC)
Tap with the first two finders of both hands on the brow bone on the inside edge of the eyebrows. (EB)
Tap on the boney outside edge of each eye. (OE)
Tap on the bones directly underneath the eyes. (UE)
Tap between your nose and your upper lip. (UN)
Tap on the crease between your lower lip and your chin. (C)
Tap beneath the collarbones (on the “divot” beneath the inside edge of each collarbone). (UC)
Tap on the Liver Point on the ribs about 3 inches below the nipples. (UB)
Tap directly under the armpits (where a woman’s bra would wrap around to the back). (UA)
Tap on the wrists by cupping the hands and tapping with the fingers on the opposing wrists. (W)
Tap on the top, at the crown of your head. (TH)
When you are using this EFTapping map with any of the exercises in this website, you simply state the “I want to feel___”/ “I love to feel”/the 3/5 or affirmation of choice (etc, etc) with each tapping point on the body as you are going through the round. This works as well, whether you are using one word, a phrase or full sentences. And you can use the metronome to modulate your breath, with or without words. As you feel relief in your body, as stress pours off of you, take your time to breathe luxuriously and feel deeply into that transformation.
Next is the basic EFT protocol that is offered to resolve a perceived negative emotion or physical pain. This is intended here as a very basic introduction to the world of tapping. I would be very happy to elaborate on any aspect of the technique, if you have any questions about it. This includes help with any scripts you may be wanting to create around a given issue. Contact me for assistance with this process.
You can use the basic EFT protocol whenever you feel upset by physical or emotional pain. You can also use the tapping sequence with any of the exercises mentioned on this website.
Think of an issue that's bothering you.
This could be any issue. For example, it could be something you're feeling anxious about at work.
Measure how your issue makes you feel.
Rate how bad you feel about the chosen issue on a scale from 0 to 10. A score of indicates there is no charge around the issue. A score of 10 indicates maximum stress. Write down your number.
Create a statement with the following template that describes your issue, followed by a statement of self-acceptance: “Even though my thoughts about_____ are making me feel _______, there is a part of me that doesn’t want to let these thoughts and feelings go, for whatever reason, conscious or unconscious, logical or illogical, and you can’t make me give them up! And I still accept myself, I forgive myself, I love myself and I value myself deeply and completely, anyway. (Note: the order of these variations of self-acceptance statements is not important. Go with the order that works for you.)
For example: "Even though my thoughts about work are making me feel anxious and unfocused, there is a part of me that doesn’t want to let these thoughts and feelings about work go, for whatever reason, conscious or unconscious, logical or illogical, and you can’t make me! And I still accept myself, I value myself, I love myself and I forgive myself deeply and completely, anyway.
Tap repeatedly with the right hand on the outside of the left palm, below your little finger,(the “karate chop”) as you say your statement out loud 3 times. After each repetition, shake out your hands as if you are trying to get water off of them.
Now tap on the rest of the points on your body, one at a time.
While you tap, repeat your issue aloud. For example, you might repeat "unfocused and anxious about work". Tap on each point* in this order:
Tap on the brow bone on the inside edge of the eyebrows.
Tap on the boney outside edge of each eye.
Tap on the bones directly underneath the eyes.
Tap between your nose and your upper lip.
Tap on the crease between your lower lip and your chin.
Tap beneath the collarbones (on the “divot” beneath the inside edge of each collarbone).
Tap on the Liver Point on the ribs about 3 inches below the nipples.
Tap directly under the armpits (where a woman’s bra would wrap around to the back).
Tap on the wrists by cupping the hands and tapping with the fingers on the opposing wrists.
Tap on the top, at the crown of your head.
Stop and remeasure how you feel about your issue.
Repeat the steps as needed. Monitor your feelings about the given issue. If you notice that they have changed during the tapping round, modify the labels of what you are feeling to match your current thoughts and emotions. What is most desired is to get to a place where you are feeling clear of the negative emotions and can find positive statements of encouragement for yourself such as “I can do this” or “I want this to be fun and easy” etc.
Simply: Tap until you can give your issue a lower number, or until you feel better.
For a richly informative diagram of these so-called acupressure points, please see https://wellness.mcuniverse.com/eft-tapping-points-recipe/. Also know that, as stated on the Home Page, this website is not intended to resolve complex emotional issues. It is assumed here that the user is able to access positive feelings much of the time.
Please NOTE: Again, these instructions are VERY rudimentary.