The following Stem Sentences are useful for focusing the mind and elevating one’s mood.
Choose one, cut and paste it into Notes, write it on a Journal page or a small card, or simply play with it in your mind. Riff on it as long as it feels fun and easy.
See the note at the bottom of the list in case you are feeling “stuck” and none of the following are “speaking” to you (AKA: you are decidedly not “in the mood”)!
I love feeling______
I appreciate________
My deepest desire is_______
Wouldn’t it be nice if ______?
Since I determine my mood with my thoughts, I want to focus on______. (Pick an easy/good feeling topic
I want to feel________
I would prefer to feel_______
I love_____
I feel satisfied that____
I would love to believe that____
Thank you for____
I love the idea that____
How is it so easy for me to____
I love having _____in my life.
It would be crazy good if_____
My favorite smells are_____
My favorite tastes are_____
My favorite textures are______
My favorite sounds are________
My favorite sights are_________
I appreciate______about X.
If I could be anything in the world, I would love to be____
If I could do anything, I would love to____
If I could have anything, I would love to have____
I would feel proud and happy with myself if I________
I feel aligned when____
I would love it if____
I feel happy that____
My imaginary “happy place” would (look, feel, smell, sound, taste) like this:____
I feel better when I____
I feel satisfied when I____
Right now, I would love to focus on_____
Note: For some Stem Sentences, it can be fun and sometimes easier to play an “alphabet game” with it. If you are in a grinchy mood and don’t particularly feel like you love much of anything right now, you can jump start the process this way:
Choose a neutral category like Food or Animals or Song titles for instance. Then start with A. I love apple pie…I love artichokes…I love asperagus (but only if it’s true!) I love Apricot Soufflé! You get the idea. Or…. I love antelopes…I love aardvarks…I love angora cats…I love angel fish. Now move on to “I love___” Letter B Food/Animals/Songs. Etc.
You can write these down or you can just think them. You can also tap as you create the sentences in your mind or tap as you focus on your written list. And you can play it with a friend while you’re out walking or driving in a car.
After this exercise, see if you don’t feel more relaxed and possibly open to some of the Stem Sentences that did not appeal to you, prior to this “I LOVE____ (Pick a category) ABC Game”. Giving your mind this creative vacation can alter your whole demeanor and improve your mood.
Playing this game is a deceptively simple way to create an emotional shift in this moment.