As noted on the Home Page, this website is deeply informed by the teachings of Abraham. ( This page serves as a summary for the wisdom that Abraham imparts.

Abraham teaches that in each moment, we are a culmination of the thoughts and feelings that we are consciously or habitually (not so consciously) generating. This attitude determines our vibrational set point to which the Law of Attraction is consistently and unerringly responding. Abraham also teaches that all of our power is in the Present Moment. This eternal NOW! Whether you are mindfully aware and tuned in to good feelings in this moment, or you are fondly remembering or regretting the past, or worrying about or looking forward to the future, you are still doing it NOW. There’s just no escaping this present moment! Each exercise on this website is designed to bring you consciously into this Present Moment where all your power lies to create changes for your Inner Landscape.

The Law of Attraction (“That which is like unto itself is drawn”) refers to the idea that the attitude we are constantly generating with our thoughts and feelings (what we vibrate) is in perpetual communication with the Universe. OUR MOOD MATTERS! And while it may be that we can never escape this present moment, we do have tools, techniques and the ability to choose what we are focusing on and how we are thinking and feeling.

Again, this website offers a kind of “play ground” for exploring simple tools that can be used to deliberately improve your mood in this moment, and, in turn, your vibrational set point.

One comment about the nature of the 12 statements below. They address the deepest questions of “Who am I?”; “What is the extent of my power as a human being to determine the quality of my life?”; and “What happens to me when I die?” Abraham’s answers to these questions have the potential to profoundly effect one’s beliefs about Life and to alleviate the fears that accompany uncertainty when those questions go unanswered. If any of the 3/5s particularly appeal, feel free to put the metronome on down below, take some deep, luxurious breaths and take time to let the concepts sink in. Feel your muscles relax and your mind clear itself of chatter or concern. Or, alternatively, repeat the statement from Abraham and let it wash over you with its wisdom, clarity and peace. You can substitute the “you” in the sentences with “I”.

12 Core Concepts of Abraham with 3/5s.

You are (I am) a Physical Extension of that which is Non-Physical.

I’m a part/Of Source Energy.

That is, we are not separate from the Source Energy, the Creative Presence, that imagined us into being! We are both an extension of the Creator and the created; Self and self.

You are here in this body because you chose to be here.

I chose this/Prior to my birth!

Apparently, we “knew what we were doing” when we chose the circumstances of our birth!

The basis of your life is Freedom; the purpose of your life is Joy.

I’m here for/Freedom, Growth and Joy.

You are a creator; you create with your every thought.

I create/With my every thought!

Abraham indicates that our most fundamental and immediate creation is our mood. We create our mood by the thoughts we think and by the feelings that those thoughts engender. This “mood”, this inner atmosphere, is what determines our vibrational set point to which Law of Attraction is continuously responding. That is the reason that the quality of our thoughts and how our thoughts impact our feelings is of paramount importance.

Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have.

I can feel/My dreams into Be’ng!

Give all your thought and emotional energy to your desires, solutions and imagination!

You are choosing your creations as you are choosing your thoughts.

I create/As I think my thoughts.

Make sure that/My thoughts uplift me!

The Universe adores you; for it knows your broadest intentions.

I’m Adored/For Divine Reasons.

I’m Loved for/My good intentions.

We are Loved, here on this Physical Plane, as an extension of Source Energy; self inside our larger Self, as it were.

Relax into your natural Well-being.  All is well.  (Really it is!)

All is well!/Relax and let go!

Imagine that you have let go of the oars and are now floating down a river, enjoying the ride with complete trust that the river will guide you to your dreams!

You are a creator of “thoughtways" on your unique path of joy.

With desires/I create Joy’s path!

Actions taken and money exchanged are by-products of focus on joy.

Joy is our/Ultimate success.

Focus on/The joy in your heart. (All good will follow!)

You may appropriately depart your body without illness or pain.

We can “die”/Without pain or strife.

You can not die; you are Everlasting Life.

Consciousness/Lives Eternally.

According to Abraham, your awareness of yourself and your life is a small part of the Greater Consciousness from which you have come and to which you will return…from which you never departed.

P.S. (From Abraham): It is not necessary for even one other person to understand the Laws of the Universe or the processes offered here in order for you to have a wonderful, happy, productive Life Experience— for you are the attractor of your experience.  Just you!  

Jerry and Esther Hicks 11/1995